
An ode to the old Pune highway

The scenic beauty of the old Pune highway absolutely cannot be compared to the Bombay Pune express-way. 

The journey on both roads 


Anon said...

The story of speed versus speed breakers:)


sanjiv said...

Lovely foto log!

Mike said...

Gimme the old expressway anyday. People simply dont know how to drive on the new expressway:(

melinda said...

You write just as well as these pictures:) Lovely!

ashish said...

Depending on my mood- I decide which road to take. But to be honest, the driver decides more than me:))

sagar said...

Pictures leave so much to be imagined, and nice picture these. The pakoris look as tempting as always and I still wonder what happens to gastronomy on the roads :) btw I also never knew that Pune highway leads to White House

Anon said...

Wonderful photos Mee! Why don't you put some captions too!


Jim said...

Nice stuff M! Looks like you are having a ball. Super.

sheila said...

Rocking!! My favourite road to Pune! Can identify with each and every sight!

weisel said...

when rains in full swing the old poona highway is superbbbb !!! very nice expressive pics , gives the feel of the place well i say1!!

Mee said...

@DD: The glass is half empty or half full LOL

@Sanjiv TY:)

@Mikey: I so agree! Makes me wonder have ppl become thick skinned and dont care nomore or they plain ignorant? About driving rules... :(

@Mel: U r always sooo kind:)

@Ash: In most of our cases hahaha

@Sagar: Am the first one to stay away from roadside food- but this temptation is not too difficult to succumb! Especially given the rainy weather and misty clouds..:)

I kept wondering if Obama would step out, but was gtg late for another mtg, so cld not wait no longer for him.

@AV- now u r getting demanding! LOL

@Jimmy: When u in the country next, shall take you there- some really nice places to see in Pune:))

@Sheila: You were my motivator:))

@Weisel: Ty sooo much:))

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Mystuff said...

Wow that's a superb compilation of amazing pics:)
Didn't knew that you guys you had a White House too,haha even we have a 1 here in Doon...

Hope Pakoras were as delicious as they look here in that pic :)

Nice post thanks for sharing :)...

Unknown said...

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BikashAvinash said...
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Unknown said...

Izin share , semoga sukses.